~ The Forest of Dean Sculpture ~


Artist Mr PlantChristophe Guinet
Project Tree Hug
Location  The Forest of Dean Sculpture / UK 
Role Art Direction
Plant — Vegetal moss
June 2021

Monsieur Plant grows a love of nature in the Forest of Dean Sculpture with installation TREE HUG.

Installs a ‘human-vegetable’ work entitled TREE HUG in the gardens of europe
Botanical artist christophe guinet — known as Monsieur Plant — installs a ‘human-vegetable’ work entitled TREE HUG in the gardens of europe in annecy, france. the work comprises castings of arms developed together with the local residents of the area. these casts are then ‘vegetated’ and installed around tree trunks, generating a new collection of arboreal pieces. mr. plant explins: ‘currently, the ecological awareness is a big debate, the human must change his habits by respecting his environment more. trees are an invaluable asset that contributes in many ways to balancing the ecosystem in which we live.’

Mr Plant personifies trees with art and poetry, expressive of ‘a man in the tree.’ TREE HUG is a tribute to the benefits of trees, symbolizing life and love of the natural environment. it represents a surrealistic evolution of the human being into a tree — man is absorbed by a nature that has regained its rights. the collection is displayed in location: in the Forest of Dean Sculpture / UK.

text. designboom
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Monsieur Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Mr Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Mr Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Monsieur Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Mr Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Monsieur Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture
The Forest of Dean Sculpture - Monsieur Plant
The Forest of Dean Sculpture



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