~ Snoop ~


Artist Mr PlantChristophe Guinet
Project Snoop
Role Art Direction
Plant — Hemp leaves and flowers
Jun 2019

Hemp grow through sneakers in Monsieur Plant’s botanical sculpture series.

Composed of hemp leaves and flowers, these works highlight a precious plant.
Presented on multiple occasions for his plant and organic works, the Marseille artist and creative Monsieur Plant returns to his first loves and to one of the projects that made him known to the general public, the garden basket!
Composed of hemp leaves and flowers, these works highlight a precious plant. Since its discovery, hemp has conquered the world thanks to its limitless uses. It is fascinated by its effects used in medicine and by its solidity once transformed into rope. The plant has not died out over the centuries, it takes on a sacred or dizzying image, a playful character or the reputation of driving people crazy.

In his works, Monsieur Plant plays with opposition and uses symbols to give them a natural and ethical aspect, but also to say that nature always triumphs over man and his modes of consumption.

Text. Journal Du Design


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